Thursday, January 31, 2013

Show update 2 for next week

Hey, listeners! SurferClock here to bring you Update #2 regarding the upcoming content.

Yesterday, I dropped a little hint as to the nature of the content. I've got a bit more I can share about it today. The response to yesterday's post was far better than I expected, so I think I'll drop a slightly better hint today...see who's really paying attention out there.

I mentioned that our cover artist, Kyle, wouldn't be able to do the cover art for the update ahead due to the short notice. I also let slip the possibility that it could, like those early episodes of WTA, end up as the blue background with only the words (any episode prior to Flights of Wonder posted on YouTube had this due to lack of usable cover art). While I was putting the content together, however, I got the idle inspiration to try my hand at making the cover art, what it might look showed me two things: one, I'm not Kyle by any stretch of the imagination. I took art classes and drew a lot when I was in high school, but I've definitely settled into a 'style' of my own. Two, that I may actually be able to do cover art for this after all. So, there might be cover art for it, and there might not be. I don't want to confirm or deny it 'til it comes time for me to start posting.

One more hint I'm going to drop here before I conclude is that this content will be divided into parts. It's longer than 15 minutes, so it calls for division.

All the rest will be revealed tomorrow, and then Saturday, I'm going to begin posting the content. Check back here (and on Facebook, like us if you haven't already, we're under What's the Attraction?) for the big reveal tomorrow afternoon!


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